Heating, Mechanical, Air Conditioning, Electrical, Watercare, Plumbing.

Water Care

There is a legal obligation to carry out a Legionella risk assessment of the water services in any work place or business connected premise.

If your business has a publicly accessible water system which is piped in from the mains and/or is stored in CWST’s you are required by law to maintain that supply to regulated standards.

The Acts of Parliament which govern water care are to be found mainly (but not exclusively) in;

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (COSHH)

Further  guidance and regulations which relate to water care and the control of Legionella pseudomonas are to be found in HSE’s ACoP L8 and associated HSG274 which although they are not legally binding are described by HSE  as having ‘special legal status’; so if you are prosecuted for breach of health and safety law, and it is proved that you have not followed the relevant provisions of the code, a court will find you at fault unless you can show that you have complied with the law in some other way. http://www.hse.gov.uk/legionnaires/index.htm

Complying with all the rules and regulations surrounding water care can be a minefield however with our skills, knowledge and experience we can help to steer you painlessly towards conformity.

EMGas will identify and assess any sources of risk and will prepare a scheme uniquely tailored to your companies’ needs and which will be specifically designed to prevent or control risks.  We can manage and monitor precautions or we can teach you how to do so, records relating to these practices can be kept in registers particularly designed around your business. We can also carry out Water Care and Legionella training for staff and appointed duty holders.

EMGas aim to ensure all our clients are able to demonstrate clear compliance with ACoP L8 and the associated relevant legislation as far as reasonably practical.

HSE defines a duty holder as ‘the named responsible person whose role is to ensure any potential health and safety risk is assessed, and that procedures are put in place to reduce the risk as is ‘reasonably practicable’.

In the eyes of the law duty holders are responsible for things either being done or being put right so that their company complies with its legal duties in relation to water care and specifically Legionella and can include employers, those in control of premises or those with health and safety responsibilities.

For a free no obligation assessment of your premises and to discuss your water care needs please call Christine (Member of the Water Management Society) 01506 432108